17an.gifAlhamdlulillah, 62th our beloved country has been independent.
so celebrate the splendor of this nation, and expect this independence will become more free nation in all sectors and all aspects of life by not forgetting the basic as our base for a more independent path to independence.

but still it is not just a handful of people, which makes this independence into the fields to colonize, we know how rich our nation has been heralded from the seconds proclamation. that this beloved land is very rich. But where our people’s prosperity, is always a constant question?? Instead of independence to colonized people themselves. very much with the purpose of the ideals of our heroes.

Well let alone other nations jelas2 had invaded from the past times, until now though colonize without war. But do we as a great nation, who have pontesi to really “FREE” keep occupied? only one key phrase “freedom and COUNTRIES NATION WE ALL FORMS of colonialism”.

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